The Prewitt-Milan Transportation Master Plan
The Prewitt-Milan Transportation Master Plan (PMTMP) will coordinate the planning and delivery of projects to improve access to the Prewitt and Milan industrial parks and to other projects in nearby communities. The PMTMP will analyze the multimodal transportation system to support industrial and economic development needs between Prewitt and Milan and in communities such as Bluewater and Thoreau. The purpose of the PMTMP is to plan and identify next-step design needs and opportunities, and outline funding in order to construct the infrastructure needed to serve an emerging economic boom in Northwest New Mexico.
Project Overview
The Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments was awarded a contract from the NMDOT Statewide Planning & Research (SPR) Funds to help further develop the transportation infrastructure for the Prewitt and Milan industrial parks, after the closure of the Escalante Electric Generation Plant through which around 100 employees lost their jobs. These industrial parks are among the first major economic development projects in the area since the announcement of the closure of the Escalante Electric Generation Plant.
NWNMCOG has contracted Wilson and Company to lead the planning of road and rail improvements to the Prewitt and Milan industrial parks. The PMTMP will analyze transportation needs for the planned industrial parks, as well as and other economic development projects in the corridor between Prewitt and Milan. The PMTMP will identify the key transportation investments that will help bring these projects on line, including what improvements are needed to ensure fast, convenient access to the sites via road and rail. The plan will also anticipate future changes to the region’s transportation network and to the transportation and logistics industries more broadly, in order to enhance economic development outcomes in the Prewitt-Milan corridor in the years to come.
The PMTMP will also study the transportation needs of residents and workers in the corridor and identify projects to improve their access to employment opportunities and to improve their overall quality of life.
NWNMCOG has contracted Wilson and Company to lead the planning of road and rail improvements to the Prewitt and Milan industrial parks. The PMTMP will analyze transportation needs for the planned industrial parks, as well as and other economic development projects in the corridor between Prewitt and Milan. The PMTMP will identify the key transportation investments that will help bring these projects on line, including what improvements are needed to ensure fast, convenient access to the sites via road and rail. The plan will also anticipate future changes to the region’s transportation network and to the transportation and logistics industries more broadly, in order to enhance economic development outcomes in the Prewitt-Milan corridor in the years to come.
The PMTMP will also study the transportation needs of residents and workers in the corridor and identify projects to improve their access to employment opportunities and to improve their overall quality of life.
Study area and maP
The study will identify transportation projects in the Interstate 40 corridor generally between the Prewitt and Milan industrial park sites. The project team has identified a Primary Study Area that extends three miles from I-40, from Thoreau in the west to Milan in the east. The project team and stakeholders will consider transportation needs that affect movement of goods or commuting to and from economic development sites in the study area. Where applicable, this may include transportation projects beyond the Primary Study Area.
Interactive map – add the transportation projects you want to see
Click the link below for an Interactive Map that lets you draw in and describe the projects that you think are needed in the study area. Whether it’s a new road, improved railroad crossings, or something else, we want to see your ideas!
Project meetings and Presentations