NGWSP Tour, 2013
In late July, the entire COG staff had a rare opportunity to tour one of the largest federal public projects in recent New Mexico history. The Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project, though in discussion and planning for 60 years , began the first phases of construction more than a year ago. One of the phases of construction is happening just north of Gallup along Highway 491, and the COG staff took up the offer by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to tour the construction site from Twin Lakes to Tohlakai Hill, where 48-inch pipelines were being placed in the ground and in some places encased in concrete. BOR Engineers Patrick Page and Tig Haley provided a great review, Q & A session, and tour of the project for the COG staff. [The BOR offers a weekly tour of the project, which can be arranged by contacting BOR’s Patrick Page]. According to Mr. Page, cost estimates for building the Navajo-Gallup Project are now at $1.01 billion. COG Executive Director Jeff Kiely, who for 17 years assisted former COG Director Patty Lundstrom in staffing the NGWSP Steering Committee, also provided a historical overview of the COG’s role over the past 20+ years.
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