Our Region
What is a COG?These types of councils exist all over the United States in order to provide planning, coordination, and technical assistance to their communities and region.
New Mexico's Regional Councils address issues like regional and municipal planning; economic and community development; pollution control; transportation planning; transit administration; water resources planning; regional hazard mitigation, data collection and analysis, and emergency planning. Our Council Of Governments (COG) has a dual designation as a quasi-governmental and regional planning agency for the State of New Mexico through the Local Government Division. Additionally, the US Economic Development Administration has designated various COGs as Planning and Development and a Economic Development Districts. The COG assists with local and regional planning and development initiatives in Northwest New Mexico. The COG works on behalf of its member governments and their customized annual work plans to uplift the region through coordination. The COG has supported the planning and development needs of Northwest New Mexico for over fifty years. |
New Mexico Association of Regional Councils
NewMARC is the joint powers agreement (JPA) association of New Mexico's seven Regional Councils of Governments (COGs). This statewide association allows the various COGs to coordinate and align programs to support State, Federal, and quasi-governmental entities in the areas of infrastructure planning and development, economic and community development, and centers of regional innovation.
Since October 2019, NewMARC and the US Economic Development Administration's Economic Development Representative hold
Weekly Monday meetings at 1:30PM MST via MS Teams
These meetings started based on COVID-19 pandemic and the leadership and communication needed to support EDA and its funding from the CARES Act to create and implement Regional Economic Recovery & Resiliency Plans. These meetings include standard report outs from Federal agencies and the Congressional Delegation representatives, State agencies, and the regions to highlight weekly hot list items including grant deadlines, program changes, challenges and best practices, partnership opportunities, and policy needs. These meetings continue due to the avalanche of information and opportunities based on BIL/IRA to communicate on what the weekly priorities are.
In 2024, through a grant from New Mexico Economic Development Department through the US Economic Development Administration (EDA), NewMARC hired its first ever Executive Director -- Pascual Maestas.
Since October 2019, NewMARC and the US Economic Development Administration's Economic Development Representative hold
Weekly Monday meetings at 1:30PM MST via MS Teams
These meetings started based on COVID-19 pandemic and the leadership and communication needed to support EDA and its funding from the CARES Act to create and implement Regional Economic Recovery & Resiliency Plans. These meetings include standard report outs from Federal agencies and the Congressional Delegation representatives, State agencies, and the regions to highlight weekly hot list items including grant deadlines, program changes, challenges and best practices, partnership opportunities, and policy needs. These meetings continue due to the avalanche of information and opportunities based on BIL/IRA to communicate on what the weekly priorities are.
In 2024, through a grant from New Mexico Economic Development Department through the US Economic Development Administration (EDA), NewMARC hired its first ever Executive Director -- Pascual Maestas.